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    Inspiration Guide
    How to Make the Most of Small Spaces

    After spending much more time at home over the past few years, many homeowners are starting to feel a little cramped. While our kitchen tables became classrooms and our spare bedrooms became home offices, our houses didn’t get any bigger. Spaces that were once comfortable started feeling crowded.

    Even now, as we’re spending less time at home, many of us are still wondering how to make our small spaces work better for us. Luckily, we have some suggestions to help you maximize your space and love where you live.

    Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your house’s small spaces.

  • Blog Content\article-1_easy-diy-home-improvement-ideas-that-won-t-break-the-bank\blog_article-thumbnail_article-1_easy-diy-home-improvement-ideas-that-won-t-break-the-bank.jpg
    Inspiration Guide
    Easy DIY Home Improvement Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank

    Bathroom and kitchen remodels are common home improvement projects, but putting down new tile, replacing the tub, refinishing cabinets, swapping countertops and other popular bathroom and kitchen remodeling ideas can be a headache for homeowners who have to live through them. These kinds of improvement projects can also be time-consuming, expensive and too involved for a weekend warrior’s DIY project.

    Luckily, many other DIY home improvement projects won’t break the bank and are simple enough for any homeowner to do, regardless of their level of experience. Whether you’re putting your house on the market soon or just looking for cost-effective ways to upgrade your home, these DIY home improvement projects can help increase your home’s value and enhance its overall look and feel.