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    Project Guide
    What Every Homeowner Needs to Know About Cleaning Their Gutters

    Your gutters probably aren’t something you spend a lot of time thinking about. When they’re working as expected, you probably don’t notice them at all. But left unmaintained, clogged gutters can cause problems and severely damage your home.

    If you haven’t cleaned your gutters in a few years, or if you notice water overflowing the side of them, it’s time to have them cleaned by a professional or do it yourself. But before you call a professional or grab the ladder, it’s helpful to know what to look for and how gutter cleaning works.

    Here’s what every homeowner needs to know about cleaning their gutters.

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    Project Guide
    A New Homeowner’s Guide to Interior Painting

    So you’ve just purchased your first home - congratulations! For new homeowners, putting some new paint on the walls is usually the first home improvement project they tackle. After all, nothing changes the look and feel of a room quite like a fresh new coat of paint.

    But should you hire professional painters or do it yourself? Hiring a professional to come in and handle the entire project is tempting, but it can be expensive. Typically, the average cost of hiring a professional to paint the interior of a house ranges from $949 to $2,924.

    The good news is that painting your walls is an easy do-it-yourself project. Paint, even high-quality paint, is relatively inexpensive, and if you take the time to prep your room, painting is a breeze. But if you’ve never picked up a paint roller before, you probably have some questions, and we’re here to help.

    Here’s our new homeowner’s guide to interior painting.