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  • Blog Content\article-4_how-to-choose-a-cordless-drill\blog_article-thumbnail_article-4_how-to-choose-a-cordless-drill.jpg
    Buying Guide
    How to Choose a Cordless Drill

    For new homeowners, their very first power tool purchase is typically a cordless drill. Cordless drills make quick work of a wide range of DIY projects, from mounting things to a wall to boring holes in wood or metal.

    But if you’ve never shopped for a drill before, you might be overwhelmed by your choices. There are a lot of things to consider before buying a power drill: Voltage, weight, speed, batteries, and ultimately, the price.

    Here’s what to look for in a cordless drill and how to choose the right one for you.

  • Blog Content\article-7_the-best-tool-gift-ideas\blog_article-thumbnail_article-7_the-best-tool-gift-ideas.jpg
    Buying Guide
    The Best Tool Gift Ideas

    We all want to give better gifts, but what do you give someone who has it all? It can be tough to find the perfect thing for everyone and give gifts that your friends and family will actually use. Luckily, tools make great gifts for everyone on your list because they’re practical and can be given for virtually any holiday.

    The trick for picking the right tool is thinking outside the box. Some people would love a new screwdriver set, but there are so many other tools that make great gifts, too. Your friends at Hardware Hank are here to give you a few ideas for giving tools as gifts.

    Here’s a list of the best tool gift ideas.